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The paper presents and discusses with a set of critical statements regarding Bologna Process which are contained in the book “Creating the European Area of Higher Education. Voices from the Periphery” edited by Voldemar Tomusk. Main considered topics relates to dependency of the Bologna reform on political and economic aims of European Commission; top-down implementation of the reform; exclusion of critical voices from the debate on the Bologna Process, ignoring regional and national differences. These problem particularly affects periphery of the European higher education – universities in Central Eastern Europe and Balkans. The region is double loaded by old problems and new challenges. It could make the Bologna Process unreal and superficial reform which does not lead Europe to be more powerful and competitive.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Dybaś, M. (2011). Peryferie europejskiego szkolnictwa wyższego. Forum Oświatowe, 23(2(45), 123–134. Pobrano z


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