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The research on the junior high was conducted in 2008. I tested 44 girls and 47 boys from first and third grades. In my research I used the following methods: questionnaires KAM-RE, INTE, KKS. I made six hypothesis, three of which were confirmed. There appeared new phenomena such as the increase in aggression among girls proportional to their getting older. For the young people who in a couple of weeks are bound to graduate from the junior high and continue education in a high school, they are prepared neither to engage in a social life nor to to take up new demanding social roles. The group of the tested girls present themselves as being aggressive on an average level, but having lower than average in the population level of emotional intelligence and lower than average social competences. The outcome of my research was inadequate level of emotional intelligence and social competences among the students questioned which indicates the deficiencies of socialising process and certain negligence in this area.

Szczegóły artykułu

Jak cytować
Łagocka, K. (2011). Inteligencja emocjonalna i kompetencje społeczne a zachowania agresywne młodzieży gimnazjalnej. Forum Oświatowe, 23(2(45), 157–169. Pobrano z


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